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Kartik Purnima Puja

Kartik Purnima Puja

The kartik purnima puja is considered quite beneficial as it is thought that, annually on Kartik Purnima, all the holy deities come down on earth and make their homes in holy rivers. That is why on this very day, individual take bath in Ganga and sacred rivers that eliminate occurrence of all types of negative forces from their lives. Kartik purnima is celebrated  on full moon day of shukla paksha in the Kartik Month and sometimes it is also called as Tripuri Purnima or Deva Diwali. Kartik purnima also coincides with the holy Sikh festival Guru Nanak Jayanti. This day is equally important for Jains too who celebrate Shantrunjay Teerth Yatra on this day.

Kartik Purnima Puja also offers some great astrological benefits as it helps everyone by reducing malefic effects of Surya (Sun), Brahaspati(Jupiter) and Chandra (Moon). This makes it extremely beneficial for those persons who are going under mahadasa(main-period) or antardardasa(sub-period) of Sun, Moon or Jupiter.

Some Noticeable benefits of Kartik Purnima Puja are:

  • It is quite beneficial to promote financial prosperity and stability in devotee’s life
  • For obtaining power and immovable property, conduction of Kartik purnima Puja will be highly beneficial
  • It smoothens and accelerate business turnovers in the most lucrative manner
  • This puja is greatly effective for minimizing malefic effects of afflicted Jupiter
  • Karthi Purnima Puja is important for obtaining supreme success & bliss i.e Sidhi
  • This is greatly important for higher education of students and it is also significant for spiritual and physical development of devotee

Puja Yagya & Kartik Purnima Puja

Puja yagya conducts Shri Satyanarayana katha during Kartik Purnima for each individual and families that appeases Lord Vishnu and hence helps Devotees gain fulfillments in life. Those who wish to take part in this may contact Puja yagya. Puja on Kartik Purnima of lord vishnu and goddess Lakshmi that provides blessings and good fortune for all family members is aptly conducted by us. It lets you stay on the path of Karma and your fortune will follow you in the most favorable manner. Pundits of Puja Yagya also conduct Sampoorna rudrabhishek on Kartik Purnima that washes away one’s sins and grants long life and inner peace.  In this lord Shiva is worshipped in his Rudra form who fulfils your all the desires and hence provides you ultimate bliss. All pujas are conducted as per the results of your horoscope analysis and we complete Puja with complete accuracy in a customized manner. Puja Yagya includes online & offline modes of puja conduction, which is designed for your convenience. You can select anyone as per your comfort and choice.

About us

Pujayagya is your One Stop Halt for all Vedic Puja & Astrological Requirements as our Vedic Experts incorporate expertise in all the Pujas explained in Great Indian Vedic Scriptures.


Pujayagya is your One Stop Halt for all Vedic Puja & Astrological Requirements as our Vedic Experts incorporate expertise in all the Pujas explained in Great Indian Vedic Scriptures. We provide customized Puja Packages as per convenience of individuals who wish to get benefits of spiritual Pujas for channelizing positivity in their lives.
